PRC Releases Approval for a larger First-Class Mail Postcard (effective 8/29/2021)

Released July 30, 2021

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) approved a Postal Service proposal to increase the size limit for a Presorted or Automation First-Class Mail (FCM) postcard. The new maximum size is 9 inches long (currently 6 inches) by 6 inches high (currently 4-1/4 inches). The minimum thickness to use the larger sized postcard is set at .009 inches. Current smaller sized postcards will still have a minimum thickness of .007 inches. The maximum thickness for both remains unchanged at .016 inches – see the drawing below for a visual reference.

Dropping a letter in the mail

Current Dimensions

Current height dimensions are 3 1/2 inches minimum and 4 1/4inches maximum. Current width dimensions are 5 inches minimum and 6 inches maximum.

Thickness: 0.007" to 0.016"

New Approved Dimensions

New height dimensions are 3 1/2 inches minimum and 6 inches maximum. New width dimensions are 5 inches minimum and 9 inches maximum.

Thickness: 0.009" to 0.016"

For years, business mailers have been asking the U.S. Postal Service to expand the size of the Presorted First-Class Mail Postcard. The Postal Service listened and worked with the mailing industry to build a use case for this change and to increase the value of postal offerings. Commercial mailers generally use Presorted First-Class Mail Postcards for personalized messages but the limited space for text -- limits their potential as a promotions tool. The Postal Service told the PRC that the proposed change would make the postcard more valuable for combined promotional and non-promotional mailings. Accordingly, on June 23, the Postal Service filed a proposal with the PRC to increase the maximum size limit for the Presorted First-Class Mail Postcards as described above.

Also, the larger postcard size would create new opportunities for mailers to take advantage of technologies such as QR codes and varied textures and design on the mailpiece, making them even more effective, the Postal Service argued. Furthermore, commercial mailers would be able to use the additional space to defray some of the cost of mailing presorted postcards, the Postal Service stated, noting that the larger presorted postcard size would allow commercial mailers to capitalize on recipients’ attention for promotional and informational purposes. As an example, companies that use postcards to remind customers about payments or appointments could offset costs by pairing these reminders with promotion information.

The Postal Service further noted that the larger size FCM postcard directly supports the Postal Services’ initiatives that combine the physical mailpiece with the digital impressions from “Informed Delivery” and the data elements from “Informed Visibility” for effective omni-channel marketing campaigns.

Please reach out to your RRD Account Representative to help you discover how this price increase will affect your business. For questions, please contact

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